The skin is the largest organ of the human body and acts as a protective barrier between the external environment and the inside of the body, shielding the internal organs against heat, light, injury and infection. Yet, the journey to diagnose skin conditions, especially on darker skin tones, can be challenging and not well mapped. In a recent study, physicians were presented with 364 images spanning 46 skin diseases and asked to submit up to four differential diagnoses. The physicians were four percentage points less accurate for the diagnosis of images of dark skin as compared to light skin.
Inherent biases deeply rooted in medical research, literature, and education have led to a healthcare landscape skewed towards lighter skin, often leaving behind those with darker complexions. Doctors diagnose around one-quarter of melanoma cases in Black people when cancer has already spread to nearby lymph nodes. However, amidst these challenges, there are technological advancements, such as AI, that are helping to rectify this imbalance. In May 2024, Autoderm conducted a total of 18,359 analyses through the myGP app and identified 79 cases of melanoma. This equates to about 2-3 melanoma diagnoses per day. Given that approximately 46 melanomas are diagnosed daily across the UK, the cases detected via the myGP app represent about 5% of the total daily melanoma diagnoses in the UK population.
We recognise the need for equitable healthcare solutions for all. Through our partnership with Autoderm, launched in 2023 after years of clinical and AI research, are proud to offer their next generation skin scanner to our community of 3 million users via the myGP app.
The bias in dermatology towards lighter skin tones is a well-documented issue. From medical textbooks to research studies, most visual references and diagnostic criteria are based on observations of mainly fair-skinned individuals.This bias perpetuates a cycle of misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment for patients with darker skin, which can lead to unnecessary distress and prolonged health issues such as increased itching, dryness, skin thickening and hyperpigmentation.
Autoderm and the myGP app, however, are changing the game! By harnessing the power of AI, Autoderm helps improve diagnostic accuracy of skin conditions across all skin tones. Their approach analyses a diverse search engine of skin images (2 million+), encompassing various ethnicities and skin tones. Their algorithm is constantly evolving and learning along with their growing bank of images. Irrespective of skin tone, myGP users can use the tech to get likely answers quickly, easily and choose how to act on the insight.